
On this page you can find guides and additional information related to my products.

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 Public Changelog


  • All Quefrency cases will support revision 3 from Keebio. The placement of the new USB C port is exactly where the TRRS port was. Cases will support both rev2 and rev3. The cutouts for the rev3 will not be as wide as the main USB C port, but there is enough clearance to be used.
  • I'll be removing 3mm acrylic plate standalone options for most keyboards that are non-macropad commissions. I found that 3mm acrylic has a higher chance to snap when pressing extremely hard on the keys. Because of this, clear PETG plates will be recommended and will be factored in to the price of the case. This means that clear PETG plates will become the default plate choice.
  • Preonic cases now have 8 total standoff holes

1-11-2020 Update: (case design changes from 11-7-2020)

  • New hardware is in full effect, button head screws with hex shaped standoffs
    • New colors: Gunmetal gray, Rainbow titanium, White (nylon) and clear (plastic) screws
  • New gray color, gunmetal gray vs titanium gray
  • Open/USB cutout layers have a cut in
  • Bottom layers now have a cut in too
  • Logo has moved from the center of the board to a back plate corner
  • Stand layers have been moved to the back of the case. You'll now receive two different lengths of standoffs for the case
  • Case no longer support CNC'd aluminum feet
  • Cases no longer support a flat (0 degree angle)
  • 60% case now has an extra column for hardware


  • There is an update to my case design, the layers underneath the switch plate will cut inward and make a beautiful side profile, and a nicer way to pick up the case
  • The back plate logo has moved to the lower left of the layer
  • The stand layers have been moved to the back, this greatly reduces the typing angle from around 8deg to around 4-5 deg. Longer standoffs are used for the back part of the case. The longer standoff is meant to go through all of the case layers and the stand layers.
  • Case hardware has changed from countersunk screws + washers + barbell standoffs, to button head screws + hex standoffs.
  • Radiant acrylic is now available
V1 design principles:
  • Introduced the flare layer, the second most layer from the top
  • Stand layers were placed lower on the back, forcing a higher typing angle
  • Used barbell standoffs, countersunk screws paired with washers.